Here we go. I haven't written in a journal since I was six. Maybe five. I haven't written a paper in a year. Right now, I'm more nervous about sounding pretentious or self-righteous in this blog than I am about going to the Peace Corps, so bear with me.
So about that Peace Corps thing... I'm off in a week. I've been waiting for a year. Here we go. I haven't packed. I've started shopping for those little last-minute nick-knacks like hiking backpacks, duffel bags, day packs, you know... details. But the physical act of packing has yet to start. Maybe I should get on that so I don't induce a major panic attack before I begin THE greatest adventure of my life. (Am I sounding nervous yet?)
This year has been a complete whirl-wind... living in Ketchum and reconnecting with Peyton was by far the best decision I made this post-scholastic year.
This month has been a complete whirl-wind... I've visited almost every family member on my living family tree, played with the most adorable babies and kids who I am SO lucky to call my nieces and nephews, surfed, eaten my weight in: cheese/pasta/sushi/vegetables/fruit/allthingsIprobablywon'teatfor27months, stayed up til wayyy past my bedtime with friends from college and high school, stayed up til wayyy past my bedtime with my sister sharing the most personal and intimate stories, thoughts, fears, hopes for the future... I laughed, I cried, and I soaked it all in. My fuel for the next 27 months. Here we go.
Peace Out, Boogs. xo JD
I love you Soph! Thank you for spending those wonderful few months with me. I miss you already
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