Since my arrival in Tumpa, I have worked on the Healthy Schools Program with the Health Post and Santa Fe school to reinforce healthy lifestyle behaviors in the youth, specifically in the areas of hygiene, nutrition and environmntal awareness. We have tackled these health problems with the youth by discussing and pacticing handwashing, bathing, toothbrushing, healthy meals, and trash management. After over a year of training and preparation, my Healthy Schools Program in Tumpa is becoming a reality! Peace Corps, Washington has approved my grant proposal and posted the project to the Peace Corps website. We are ready to take the Healthy Schools Program to the next level, and we need your help! Please pass on this email to any philanthropic friends who would like to donate and improve the lives of the Peruvian youth in my community. Below you will find a brief description of my project with instructions on how to donate.
Hygiene, nutrition and envionmental practices in Tumpa´s youth are very poor. Healthy lifestyle behaviors are seldom taught or reinforced in the home or school. Tumpa´s Health Post and Santa Fe school see the opportunity to strengthen healthy lifestyle behaviors in Tumpa´s youth through dynamic trainings and workshops; however, materials and supplies like trash cans and soap dispensors that reinforce these behavior changes do not exist and are needed. I need your help to improve healthy lifestyles in my Peruvian students!
Please visit the Peace Corps website to view the Healthy Schools Program profile, and please donate to improve the lives of my Peruvian students!
Go to the Peace Corps website at: peacecorps.gov
Click on ¨Donate Now!¨
Enter my last name ¨Dila¨ or my project number 527-015
Click on this link: https://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=resources.donors.contribute.donatenow
and enter Peru in Search by Country of Service
Muchisimas Gracias!
¨La posibilidad de realizar un sueño es lo que hace que la vida sea interesante¨ -Paulo Coelho
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