I just returned from Pacasmayo, a funky costal town known for its world-class surfing and fantastic ceviche, where I ran a 10K alongside fellow PCVs, Peruvian nationals and international visitors. It was a great way to celebrate the 4th of July
weekend and the passing of my 1 year in-country mark.
Training for the 10K was almost impossible, living at 10,000 feet in a rural farming town with no paved roads, b
ut I was looking for a challenge, and figured that if I survived 1 year in the Peace Corps, I could survive a 10K. I was right!

Sunday morning was cool and overcast - Winter in Peru. I gathered with about 150 runners at the starting point and off we went at 8:30am on a challenging concrete, dirt, gravel and sand course.
The physical challenge was exhilarating, hitting different types of terrain, taking in some spectacular Pacific Ocean views, and running farther than I'd ever ran before.
I thought about the past year.... how far I'd come and how much my life has changed. I've met the most incredible people and built life-long friendships. That gave me energy to keep running. I thought about my loving and supporting family, all congregated together in Massachusetts celebrating the 4th of July, and felt the good vibes they were sending me while my feet hit the ground, one foot in front of the other.
When I hit the 5K turn around point I smiled, laughed and choked
up for a second, realizing that this is exactly where I am in my Peace Corps service, embarking on the 2nd half. I finished the course in 63 minutes happy, sweaty and was greeted by cheers and applause by a crowd of friends and strangers. It was a fantastic experience. I feel fit, grounded, loved, and I'm thirsty for more of this life I'm living.*
Visit the Pacasmayo Marathon Website at http://www.maratoninternacionaldepacasmayo.com/index.html